Denis Hains

Denis Hains

Denis Hains is the Founder and CEO of the company H2i; he is Affiliate Research Scientist with the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping of the University of New Hampshire (UNH-CCOM); He is the United States and Canada Hydroghraphic Commission representative on the International Hydrographic Review (IHR) Editorial Board, of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO); he is member of the Strategic Advisory Group of “The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project”; he is an External Advisor of “The Nippon Foundation, Ocean Frontier Mapping Committee”; and he is also member of the Québec Land Surveyors Act Modernization Committee.

He graduated from Laval University, Québec City, Canada with a Bachelor in Geodetic Sciences, he is a retired Québec Land Surveyor.  He had a successful 35-year career in the Public Service of Canada.  He worked 20 years for Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) both in Mont-Joli and Ottawa, including 2 years for the Canadian Coast Guard.  In addition, he worked 15 years for Natural Resources Canada, where he held many positions including primarily National Executive Director of the Canadian Geodetic Survey.  He occupied senior executive positions for more than 30 years, with all the organizations he worked with and had been very active internationally. He retired in 2018 as Director General CHS and HYDROGRAPHER GENERAL OF CANADA, in Ottawa. He has been remaining very active professionally since.