Education and Training

Transfer of expertise

Acquire high level skills

  • CIDCO can provide organisations with customised training individually or in groups.
  • Since 2016, CIDCO has also been offering a nine-month category B distance training course recognised by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) for individuals who have successfully completed a program in geomatics. This course aims to provide students with the theoretical and practical bases to enable them, as hydrographers, to carry out high quality surveys.

Learn more about category B course


HydroBall Training

CIDCO provides customized training related to HydroBall technology from deployment to data processing.


Transfer of expertise in hydrography

CIDCO accompanied Group Cadoret's surveyor team on its 3 year mandate in order to transfer the necessary expertise to carry out the work in Sept-îles.


Category B course

Once a year, CIDCO offers specialized training in hydrography. The course is structured as a 7 month online training followed by a 7 week field project in Rimouski.

Learn more about category B training