- Monday, April 3 - Morning
- Monday, April 3 - Afternoon
- Mathieu Rondeau (SHC),
- Sylvain Gautier (SHC),
- Brian R. Calder (CCOM/JHC)
- Brian Miles (University of New Hampshire)
- Marius Romy (Groupe Océan)
- Colin Thompson (Orange Force Marine Ltd.)
- Natalie Pisciotto (CIDCO)
- Guillaume Martel (SHC)
- Francis Fortin-Legault (SHC)
- Gabriel Montpetit-Allard (SHC)
- Simultaneous Interpreter: Valier Santerre
- Tuesday, April 4 - Morning
- Louis-David Pitre (MPO)
- Laurence Provencher-Nolet (MPO)
- Filippo Ferrario (MPO)
- Marie-Eve Biron (Groupe Océan)
- Maxime Corbin (Université Laval)
- Lyne Morissette (M - Expertise Marine)
- Jérôme Laurent (Mérinov)
- Guillaume Morissette (CIDCO)
- Marc-Olivier Massé (CERMIM)
- Simultaneous Interpreter: Valier Santerre
- Tuesday, April 4 - Afternoon
- André Verville (Canal Geomatics)
- Philippe Doucet (Canal Geomatics)
- Fabien Germond (Exail - iXblue)
- Kevin Murrant (National Research Council’s Ocean)
- Mohsen Hassanzadeh Shahraji (Laval University)
- Jordan McManus (Laval University)
- Guillaume Morissette (CIDCO)
- Thomas Jaegler (ARCTUS)
- Joffrey Dufour (MPO)
- Simultaneous Interpreter: Valier Santerre
- Wednesday, April 5 - Morning
- Dr Bindi S Dave (TCarta)
- Maude Pelletier (Balko Tecnhologies)
- Yanqun Pan (ARCTUS)
- Claude Tremblay (SHC)
- Fabien Germond (Exail - iXblue)
- Jérémie Lemarchand (UQAR, LDGIZC)
- Mohsen Hassanzadeh Shahraji (Laval University)
- Jérémie Lemarchand (UQAR, LDGIZC)
- Raphaël Mabit (ISMER-UQAR, Aquatel)
- Simultaneous Interpreter: Valier Santerre

Denis Hains - Honorary President and Speaker
Denis Hains is the Founder and CEO of H2i. He is a Research Associate at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire (UNH-CCOM). He is the U.S. Hydrographic Commission representative on the Editorial Board of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) International Hydrographic Journal (IHR). He is a senior advisor to the Canadian Ocean Mapping Research and Education Network (COMREN) and a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, an external advisor to the Nippon Foundation, Ocean Frontier Mapping Committee, and a member of the Modernization Committee of the Quebec Land Surveyors Act.
He graduated from Laval University, Quebec, Canada with a Bachelor of Science in Geodesy and is a retired Quebec Land Surveyor. He had a successful 35 year career with the Public Service of Canada. He worked 20 years for Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) in Mont-Joli and Ottawa, including 2 years with the Canadian Coast Guard. In addition, he worked for 15 years with Natural Resources Canada, most notably as the National Executive Director of the Geodetic Survey of Canada. He held senior management positions for over 30 years with all the organizations he worked with and was very active at the international level. Since his retirement in 2018 as Director General of the Canadian Hydrographic Service and HYDROGRAPH GENERAL OF CANADA, in Ottawa, he continues to be very active professionally and it is an honour for CIDCO to have him as Chairman of its Board of Directors since June 2022 and that he has accepted the Honorary Chairmanship of the CIDCO 2023 Symposium!
LinkedIn: ca.linkedin.com/in/denis-hains-09826065
Email: dhains@h2i.ca
- Monday, April 3 08:50 am - Conférence vedette
Annie holds a Master of Science in Geomatics as well as a Bachelor of Applied Science in Geomatics from Laval University.
Annie began her career with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans at the Canadian Hydrographic Service in 2001. As a professional in the Geomatics Technical Support team for hydrographic surveys, she was involved in the development of processes and implementation of the use of satellite positioning systems to determine water levels as an alternative to the use of static tide staffs and tide gauges during hydrographic surveys.
She subsequently held supervisory positions for the Geomatics Technical Support, Channel Surveys, and Regular and Cost Recovery Surveys teams. She has participated in and led several hydrographic survey missions, particularly some in the Lower North Shore, which contributed to the completion of the electronic navigation chart portfolio for the Quebec region.
As Manager of the Products and Services Division, Annie has worked with her regional and national counterparts to improve the efficiency of the charting processes in order to facilitate the digital transformation of CHS following the development of the new S-100 international hydrographic standards.
For the past 3 years, Annie has been involved in promoting women's leadership in the field of hydrography, particularly with the CHS Women's Network initiative and the "Empowering women in Hydrography" project in collaboration with the International Hydrographic Organization.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/annie-biron-0743a956/
Email: annie.biron@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 9:05 am - Opening speeches.
- Monday, April 3rd 10:30 am - Change your System, Change your Trajectory: The Empowering Women in Hydrography Project.
Newly rooted in Rimouski, Valérie Bélanger is inspired daily by the river and it feeds her creativity. An agronomist by training, she completed a doctorate at Université Laval on the evaluation of the sustainability of Quebec dairy enterprises. Curious and motivated, she has always worked in the management of research and development of innovations. She coordinated a research network on grains for three years. She then held the position of transfer coordinator in a private company that manages the R&D of Quebec dairy producers and processors for seven years. She joined Axelys in July 2022 as Regional Director Bas-St-Laurent / Gaspésie. Anchored in her new territory, she sees far ahead because the horizon is endless to imagine the most beautiful transfers and the most innovative projects.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/axelysqc
Email: valerie.belanger@axelys.ca
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 9:20 am - Maximiser les retombées de la recherche publique.
Mr. Denis Provençal is an agronomist by training and holds a master's degree in human geography. Following a multidisciplinary career with the Government of Quebec, Mr. Provençal was appointed in 2014 as a strategic advisor to the Secrétariat à la Stratégie maritime, a department of the Conseil exécutif. He was responsible for inter-university, intergovernmental and international relations. He was the Quebec representative to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, a member of the OECD Steering Committee on the Economics of the Oceans, collaborator in the creation of the Réseau Québec maritime (RQM) and initiator of the Centre d'expertise en gestion des risques d'incidents maritimes (CEGRIM). Mr. Provençal recently left his public administration duties to act on the Canadian and international scene. He is now President and co-founder of the International Council for Intelligent Maritime Corridors (ICM IC).
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/denis-provençal-83a8ab28
Email: denis.provencal@cmi-imc.org
- Monday, April 3rd 9:30 am - Les Corridors Maritimes Intelligents : Une opportunité pour la communauté de l’hydrospatiale.
Mr. Donald Roussel holds a Bachelor's degree in Marine Transportation and a Master's degree in Marine Resource Management. He joined Transport Canada Headquarters in 2000. He has held the positions of Director, Marine Personnel Standards and Pilotage, Executive Director, Regulatory Services and Quality Assurance, and Director General, Marine Safety and Security. In 2014, he was appointed Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety and Security, Transport Canada. In this role, Mr. Roussel was responsible for key aspects of safety and security programs across the country, including air, marine, rail, road, dangerous goods and multi-modal transportation. Mr. Roussel represented Canada and participated in several national and international meetings (IMO, ICAO, ILO) related to transportation safety and security. Mr. Roussel continues his career as a strategic advisor on national and international maritime affairs. He is currently co-founder and director of the CMI - IMC IC.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/donald-roussel-70663635
Email: donald.roussel@cmi-imc.org
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 9:30 am - Les Corridors Maritimes Intelligents : Une opportunité pour la communauté de l’hydrospatiale.
Mathilde Couturier is a data scientist at the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) since 2022. She has an expertise in marine biogeochemistry acquired during her PhD at UQAR. She then developed a knowledge of data management and analysis in the marine and aquatic environment during her research at UQAM by working on historical databases on freshwater quality. She is now involved in supporting and improving data sharing and management in order to promote access to and use of oceanographic data by as many people as possible.
LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/observatoire-global-du-saint-laurent---ogsl
Email: couturierm@ogsl.ca
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 10:55 am - Découverte et accessibilité des données, les enjeux d’un océan accessible à tous.
Omnain Kutos is a geochemist (UCV, Venezuela) and oceanographer specialized in marine geology (ISMER-UQAR). She is currently a data scientist at the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO), where she has developed an expertise in data management. Her main interest is the valorization of data in various fields of oceanography, particularly geological data. Thanks to her capacity to analyze geological, geochemical and palynological marine data, she facilitates the structuring of data received by SLGO partners, while applying international norms and standards, to make them accessible to all.
LinkedIn : linkedin.com/company/observatoire-global-du-saint-laurent---ogsl
Email: kutoso@ogsl.ca
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 10:55 am - Découverte et accessibilité des données, les enjeux d’un océan accessible à tous.
Mohamed-Ali Chouaer - Speaker
Mohamed-Ali Chouaer is an engineer by training, holds a Master's degree in Geomatics from Laval University and has been working as a marine geomatics specialist at CIDCO for the past four years. His research interests include systematic error detection and automated data processing for autonomous hydrographic survey vehicles (ASV), the use of GNSS positioning technologies for wave and tide measurements, and the characterization of marine habitats from bathymetric data (multibeam, LiDAR, SDB...).
Mr. Chouaer is also responsible for the Category-B hydrography training offered by CIDCO.
Marine Geomatics Specialist
Email: mohamed-ali.chouaer@cidco.ca
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mohamed-ali-chouaer-20123545
- Monday, April 3rd 11:20 am - Renforcement des capacités dans le domaine de l’hydrographie au Canada et dans le monde – Formation Cat-B du CIDCO.
Mathieu Rondeau - Speaker
Mathieu Rondeau holds a bachelor degree in surveying engineering from l’École Supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes (Le Mans, France) and a master degree in geomatics sciences from Laval University (Québec, Canada). Successively research assistant and research professional, at the geomatics sciences department of Laval University, then marine geomatics specialist at Research and Development Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping - CIDCO (Rimouski), he is now working since 5 years as engineering project supervisor at Canadian Hydrographic Service, Quebec region. Research interests : Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry ; Remote Hydrography ; Nautical Cartography.
Email: Mathieu.Rondeau@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
- Monday, April 3rd 1:30 pm - Du ping participatif à la carte communautaire Implantation d’un « noeud de confiance » au SHC.
Sylvain Gautier holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Oceanography and Underwater Prospecting from the Institut National des Sciences et Technique de la Mer (INTECHMER) in France. After having worked in characterization of benthic habitats by acoustics for the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) in Noumea, New Caledonia, he came to study at the Institut des Sciences de la Mer (ISMER) at UQAR and obtained his M.Sc. in underwater acoustics applied to marine ecology. He then developed his expertise at CIDCO in sensor integration, sonar calibration, data acquisition and processing from hydrographic systems and underwater prospecting. His research interests focused on the development of hydrographic tools, their application in science and the valorization of bathymetric data. Application areas have included seabed classification, ghost fishing gear detection, archaeological inventory of underwater sites, and underwater infrastructure inspection more generally. For the past 3 years, he has been employed by the Canadian Hydrographic Service and works for the Geomatics Technical Support team with the main mandate of supporting survey platforms.
Email: Sylvain.Gautier@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Monday April 3rd 1:30 pm - Du ping participatif à la carte communautaire Implantation d’un « noeud de confiance » au SHC..
- Monday April 3rd 4:20 pm - Établir une référence bathymétrique accessible à tous pour contribuer au développement capacitaire hydrographique canadien..
After technical studies in geomatics, Marius Romy obtained a bachelor's degree in geography and a master's degree in biogeosciences from Laval University in 2012. He has a solid experience in geomatics acquired within companies (land surveyor, Sépaq, Hydro-Québec) as well as a geomatics contractor on specific projects.
For the past 11 years, Marius has been a member of the Ocean Dredging and Marine Works team. After having held the positions of positioning technician and operations superintendent, he is now the assistant director of the hydrography department, where he uses his expertise in geomatics and his proven skills in planning and analysis of hydrospatial data.
LinkedIn: ca.linkedin.com/in/marius-romy-68908a2b
Email: Marius.Romy@groupocean.com
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 2:20pm - Apports des systèmes d’information géographiques pour l’analyse de données hydrospatiales et le partage de l’expertise maritime.
Colin Thomson has over 30 years of developing and overseeing solution implementations across diverse industries including utility, automotive, military, recreational, insurance, and financial sectors. Most recently Colin was engaged in aerial and underwater inspections, engineering inspections, risk management and information technology (IT) services at Ontario Power Generation. Following retirement, Colin founded Beachcomber Management and Marine Services to provide consulting services to various clients in management, IoT and big data cloud development and general marine services and training.
Currently Colin is the Project Director for Orange Force Marine responsible for the development and deployment of the crowdsourced bathymetric solution. He also supports several of the IHO working group sub-committees in support of crowdsource bathymetry project.
Colin graduated from Queen’s University at Kingston and is a retired naval officer from the Royal Canadian Navy. He is currently a volunteer member of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary as a District Training coordinator and unit leader. He is actively engaged in search and rescue activities on Lake Ontario.
LinkedIn: Colin Thomson | LinkedIn
Email: cthomson@orangeforcemarine.com
Conference(s) :
- Monday, April 3rd 3:30 pm - Crowdsourced Bathymetry (CSB) on the Great Lakes and beyond.
Natalie Pisciotto is currently working towards her Masters in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Monitoring at Ulster University.
She previously obtained an Advanced Diploma, in May 2020, from the Centre of Geographic Sciences in Nova Scotia, Canada. She also completed a Honors Bachelor Degree in Environmental Studies - Resource Management in May 2019 from the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada.
She has an extreme passion for marine and freshwater exploration and sciences
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/natalie-pisciotto
Email: natalie.pisciotto@cidco.ca
- Monday, April 3rd 3:55 pm - First Nations – Trusted Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry & Capacity Building in British Columbia.
Filippo Ferrario is a marine benthic ecologist at the Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Maurice Lamontagne Institute. He received his BS and MS in biology from University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, and his Ph.D. in ecology and biodiversity from the University of Bologna, Italy. As a scientific diver and field ecologist he use underwater imagery as a regular sampling method. During his Ph.D. and later as postdoc at Université Laval (QC), his research has focused on understanding how benthic species interact and use their habitat. He has since developed an expertise in habitat mapping through Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry to explicitly include the spatial dimension in his studies and move his research towards seascape and movement ecology in subtidal coastal ecosystems.
LinkedIn: ca.linkedin.com/in/filippo-ferrario-7b16b931
Email: Filippo.Ferrario@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 8:55 am - Characterization of the sea floor for benthic ecology: what does it means for benthic ecologists..
Marie-Ève Biron is a land surveyor for Groupe Océan in Quebec City. She obtained a bachelor's degree in geomatics engineering in 2003. She has a solid experience in hydrography, which she has acquired by working in multidisciplinary teams: surveyors and engineering firms. For almost six years, she has been part of the Ocean Marine Works and Dredging team, where she has held various supervisory and management positions in dredging and hydrography operations. She draws her motivation from the challenges imposed by dredging and marine construction projects. In 2010, Marie-Ève became the first hydrographic surveyor of the Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/le-groupe-oc-an-inc.
Email: Marie-Eve.Biron@groupocean.com
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 9:20 am - La version de l’entrepreneur en dragage face aux méthodes de caractérisation des fonds marins.
Maxime Corbin - Speaker
Maxime Corbin earned a Bachelor Degree in Land Surveying from Université Laval in 2020. After a year working for a firm of Land Surveyors, he decided in 2022 to begin a master in geomatics at Université Laval. His project involves the monitoring of Laviolette bridge in Trois-Rivières and navigation on the St. Lawrence River.
email: maxime.corbin.2@ulaval.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 09h45 - Auscultation du pont Laviolette à Trois-Rivières.
Lyne Morissette is an ecologist specializing in marine mammals and ecosystem functioning. She’s an associate professor at Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski and the CEO of M - Expertise Marine, an environmental and scientific mediation firm. She owns a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of British Columbia, and has completed two postdocs: one in nature conservation at Arizona State University and the other at the University of Guelph with the Canadian research chair in biodiversity. Lyne has developed a notoriety and expertise in marine mammal and fisheries interactions, and a vast program of research and innovation called “Fishers helping whales”, an approach based on coexistence. She is also the scientific director of an international plastic pollution organisation called Mission 1000 Tonnes. Her work has been published in leading journals such as Science and Nature, and she’s a medalist of the National Assembly of Quebec for her contribution to the advancement of marine sciences and recipient of the Rolland Michener Award from the Canadian Wildlife Federation for excellence in conservation.
Email: Lyne@M-ExpertiseMarine.com
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 10:45 am - Pêche fantôme.
Associate director and project coordinator at the Centre de recherche sur les milieux insulaires et maritimes (CERMIM) based in the Magdalen Islands, Marc-Olivier Massé is a graduate of UQAR in geography specialized in marine environments. With more than 10 years of experience in the management and realization of innovative projects, research and development in insular and maritime contexts, he is in charge of the coordination of ghostcraft recovery projects with remotely operated underwater robots since 2021, called "LOREVA Project", in addition to projects using the underwater robot with various partners in the Gulf. His professional experience in the field of ghost gear has led him to spend close to 1000 hours at sea since 2021 in the context of these projects, coordinating close to 250 remotely operated underwater robot dives in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as well as the recovery of 65 ghost traps and more than 9 km of ropes. For 2023, Marc-Olivier will again coordinate the next edition of LOREVA 2023.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/cermim
Email: marc-olivier_masse@cermim.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4, 10:45 am - Travaux de recherche sur la détection d'engins fantôme.
Philippe Doucet is an expert in satellite navigation and positioning systems, with nearly 30 years of experience in this sector. He is the head of Canal Geomatics, a specialized Canadian company that offers a vast portfolio of specialized products and systems to an international and North American clientele, among the major manufacturers in the industry. Over the years, he has assembled a team of experts in the field, dedicated to consulting, sales and technical support. It has organized a test bed with a bathymetric drone system in 2022 and is in close collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers who offer integrated systems in this sector.
Email: phil@canalgeomatics.com
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 1:30 pm - Enjeux et défis des levés bathymétriques par drones de type USV, en comparaison avec les levés photographiques aériens par drones de type UAV.
André Verville is a geomatics expert with over 40 years of experience in mapping, geodesy, photogrammetry, bathymetry, satellite positioning systems, spatially referenced databases, and technology infrastructure. Between 2014 and 2018, he designed, manufactured, and sold multi-copter drones to clients. He joined the Canal Geomatics team in 2022 and serves as a specialist in positioning and navigation technologies. He is also a Transport Canada certified drone pilot and flight evaluator and pursues part-time drone photogrammetric surveying and resulting digital processing.
Email: andre@canalgeomatics.com
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 1:30 pm - Enjeux et défis des levés bathymétriques par drones de type USV, en comparaison avec les levés photographiques aériens par drones de type UAV.
Fabien, currently employed at Exail, is working as Business Developper to promote Exail Maritime Drone (USV & AUV) and scientific equipment for ocean data collection.
He holds a B.Sc. in Ocean Exploration with Applied Geophysics and a Master's degree in Hydrographic Science. Fabien is also certified as an IHO CAT A and Hydro Level 1 Certified Hydrographer.
With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Fabien has managed various technical aspects of large industry site investigation surveys as well as other large and small engineering surveys all over the globe.
As an active advocate for innovation and excellence, Fabien works to improve survey equipment and approaches with a focus on quality, efficiency, and ecological footprints. His expertise in the field of underwater acoustics, maritime autonomy and hydrographic science is dedicated to improve our capacity of understanding the Ocean.
Email: fabien.germond@exail.com
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 1:55 pm - DriX & Echoes 3500 T1 - Cas d’étude sur les anneaux coralligènes du Cap Corse.
- Wednesday, April 5th 10:40 am - Caractérisation des sites archéologiques subaquatiques par très petits fond.
Kevin Murrant is a researcher with the National Research Council’s Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre (NRC-OCRE) in St. John’s, NL. His work focuses on marine autonomy, and in particular navigation and control. He has a PhD in electrical engineering from Memorial University and his thesis focused on fixed-wing UAV control. He is also appointed as an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Memorial University.
Email: Kevin.Murrant@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 2:20 pm - Testbed for Autonomous Navigation in Harsh Environments

Jordan McManus - Speaker
Jordan McManus holds a BASc in Software Engineering from the University of Ottawa (2006). He worked as a research technician at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2008-2009 and 2013-2014). He participated in various projects such as, MERIS satellite image processing and classification, development of a neural network to detect chlorophyll from remote sensing data, development of tools for visualization of Sun-Earth-Moon system to study the potential generator of the tides, and statistical analysis of the global climatic model.
From 2018 to 2022, he was part of the CIDCO's R&D team as a software analyst. He contributed to various projects at CIDCO such as, mobile LiDAR system calibration software (LIBAC), automatic calibration of multi-beam sonar, and error estimation of celerity profiles. He is currently working toward a M.Sc. Geomatics degree at University Laval.
LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/jordan-mcmanus-1b77813
Email: jordan.mcmanus.1@ulaval.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 02:55 pm - Ajustement des systèmes LiDAR mobiles sur des plateformes marines (Projet AmphibiAR)
Thomas Jaegler has a master's degree in geography from UQAR and has worked for Arctus since 2016. He first participated in the validation and calibration of a new ocean color sensor deployed by the European Space Agency, developing a processing chain for the correction of MLI (DFO) buoy data. He then actively collaborated in literature review on the use of observational data for several government agencies (Public Health Canada, Canadian Space Agency and Public Works Canada) and contributed to the development of coastal erosion monitoring products using high and very high resolution optical data. More recently, Thomas has acted as project manager for research and development of optical remote sensing products for water quality monitoring in harbours and for satellite bathymetry.
Email: tj@arctus.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 4:10 pm - Application de réseaux de neurones convolutionels pour estimer la bathymétrie dans des eaux côtières

Maude Pelletier - Speaker
Maude Pelletier is an accomplished professional in the field of geomatics. She has a wide range of knowledge on the available technologies and the multiple methods of capturing geospatial data. With more than 7 years of experience in Lidar data acquisition and aerial imagery by drone, she has a unique perception of the digital future, the technology revolution and the future direction of geomatics. She is the founder and CEO of two geomatics companies, MVT Geo-Solutions Inc., a company specializing in geospatial data capture and processing, and Balko Technologies, a manufacturing company that develops and builds lidar sensors for drones.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/balko-technologies/
Email: maude.pelletier@balkotechnologies.com
Conference(s) :
- Wednesday, April 5th 08:55 am - Utilisation du drone et configuration du Lidar dans le contexte de levé hydrographique

Yanqun Pan - Speaker
Dr. Yanqun Pan carried out postdoctoral research at UQAR between September 2018 and September 2020 after receiving his doctorate degree in Geographic Information Sciences from East China Normal University in Shanghai, China in 2018. In October 2020, Dr. Pan joined the Arctus team. Over the past two years, he has developed a new algorithm for atmospheric correction including adjacency effects correction of Landsat and Sentinel-2 images. He was also the main developer of models for optical shallow water detection and the estimation of bathymetry by deep learning within the project funded by Quebec Innovation. As an expert in AI and optical remote sensing, Dr. Pan will be the development manager, and the main developer to improve the bathymetric models of the future project.
Email: yp@arctus.ca
- Wednesday, April 5th 09:20 am - New development in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in optically complex waters
Guillaume Labbé-Morissette - Speaker
Guillaume Labbe-Morissette studied mathematics at Université de Montréal and software engineering at Université du Québec à Montréal. He has over 15 years of experience in managing and developing operational research software solutions in the medical, logistics, manufacturing, commercial and scientific sectors. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, embedded systems and cyber security.
Research and Development Director
Email: guillaume.morissette@cidco.ca
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gmoris
- Monday, April 3rd 9:30 am - Les Corridors Maritimes Intelligents : Une opportunité pour la communauté de l’hydrospatiale
- Tuesday, April 4, 10:45 am - Travaux de recherche sur la détection d'engins fantôme
- Tuesday April 4th 3:45 pm - Automating marine inventories using artificial intelligence
Louis David Pitre - Speaker
Louis David Pitre completed a bachelor's degree in marine biology at the Université du Québec à Rimouski in 2006. During his studies, he worked as a natural heritage interpreter and professional diver in the Parc Marin du Saguenay Saint-Laurent. He then completed a master's degree in environmental sciences at Université Laval, focusing on modeling flow patterns in forest environments. Between 2014 and 2020, he worked as a project coordinator at the Organisme des bassins-versants du Nord-Est du Bas-Saint-Laurent, carrying out mandates such as characterization and conservation of wetlands in private forests, control and fight against invasive exotic species and collective initiatives in agri-environment. Employed at Fisheries and Oceans as an aquatic biologist since 2020, he has worked on data acquisition on shallow coastal ecosystems and
He has worked on the acquisition of data on shallow coastal ecosystems and has actively participated in the Mapping of coastal ecosystems in Québec maritime project, developed and carried out jointly with UQAR. He is currently pursuing his mandate at Fisheries and Oceans Canada as part of the Integrated Marine Response Planning team, with the main mandate of producing and disseminating biological sensitivity layers useful for response to marine incidents.
Louis David Pitre, Biol. M. Sc.
Aquatic Science Biologist
Demersal & Benthic Sciences Branch
Institut Maurice-Lamontagne | Pêches et Océans Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
Email : LouisDavid.Pitre@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday April 4th 8:30 am - Planification pour une Intervention Marine Intégrée (PIMI).
Bindi holds a total working experience of over 12 years in the Applied Remote Sensing and Geospatial domain. Her expertise and interest areas are mainly (though not limited to) Environmental and Habitat analysis, Disaster Management, applied use of Remote Sensing based/Geospatial approaches to aid spatial-statistical & location-based decisions. By education, Bindi has done her graduate work in Environmental Sciences and Geomatics Technology respectively. She attained her doctoral degree in Applied SAR Remote Sensing studies (SAR Polarimetry) in 2018.Along with other deliverables, Bindi’s role at TCarta primarily involves introducing, collaborating, and complementing the use of SAR-based technology/Remote Sensing for Coastal and Hydrospatial studies.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bindi-satyam-dave-08421989/
Email: bd@tcarta.com
Conference(s) :
- Wednesday, April 5th 8:30 am - Evaluation of Space-based Multispectral Remote Sensing approach for Satellite Derived Bathymetry and hydrospatial products.
After obtaining a bachelor's degree in geomatics from Laval University in 2012, Joffrey Dufour first recognized his talents through several professional experiences in the private sector. Member of the Quebec Order of Land Surveyors since 2013, he has been involved in the development of drone projects aimed at calculating volumes for industrial purposes. He has also developed other special projects such as high precision measurements of heavy fuel oil tanks to detect structural deformations and several land projects such as subdivisions.
Joffrey's federal career started in 2017 with DFO, from where he evolved 2 years including to a management position. Incidentally, in 2019, he received a Youth Achievement Award. Since 2019, Joffrey has been working with the Canadian Coast Guard's Waterways program. Thirsty for innovation, he wishes to evolve the Canadian Coast Guard of tomorrow notably through artificial intelligence, recognized standards and the development of autonomous processes.
Courriel : joffrey.dufour@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th, 4:35 pm - Développer des modèles prédictifs de mouvement du fond marin des voies navigables.
Claude Tremblay - Speaker
Born in Rimouski. Graduated from the Institut Maritime du Québec in Rimouski in 1999. He is currently working for the Canadian Hydrographic Service as a multidisciplinary hydrographer since 2001. He specializes in data management and cartography and has a solid experience in data acquisition. Claude has been involved in all stages of the management of LiDAR survey contracts for the Quebec region from 2016 to 2022 and is a member of a national working group on airborne and ground-based LiDAR. He is currently a member of the chart update and production team.
Phone : +1 418-722-7156
Email : Claude.Tremblay@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Conference(s) :
- Wednesday, April 5th 09:45 AM - Des solutions innovantes pour l’intégration des données LiDAR
Mohsen Hassanzadeh Shahraji received his Ph.D. in Geomatics from Laval University in 2022. His PhD thesis focuses on improving the data quality of marine mobile LiDAR systems by introducing a new data acquisition methodology to correct the boresight angle error considered as the most dominant systematic error on this type of system. Since 2023, he has started a post-doctoral fellowship on the adjustment of the trajectory of mobile telemetry systems in areas where GNSS signals are blocked or disrupted, as is often the case near port infrastructures, due to the presence of bridges, viaducts and ships or near cliffs. These environments, more hostile to GNSS signal reception, drastically increase positioning uncertainties. It is therefore essential to adjust the trajectory in these areas to ensure a homogeneous quality of the point clouds for the entire LiDAR survey conducted from a mobile marine platform.
His postdoctoral research project, which is interdisciplinary in nature, is in collaboration with the Boreal Robotics Laboratory (NORLAB) of Laval University. His objective is to integrate advanced automatic localization methodologies in robotics with classical methods in geomatics.
Research interests: mobile telemetry; marine robotics; data fusion; marine mapping; port infrastructure inspection
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/mohsen-h-shahraji-b3309a1b0/
Email: mohsen.hassanzadeh-shahraji.1@ulaval.ca
Conference(s) :
- Tuesday, April 4th 2:45 pm - Ajustement des systèmes LiDAR mobiles sur des plateformes marines (Projet AmphibiAR).
- Wednesday, April 5th 11:15 am - Calibrage d’un système de télémétrie mobile multicapteurs monté sur une motomarine.
Raphaël has been pursuing doctoral studies in oceanography at UQAR-ISMER since 2021. Specialized in remote sensing, his thesis focuses on the combination of optical and acoustic instruments in shallow waters to improve the quality of earth observation data. Alternately a metal carpenter at the shipyards of Lorient and Saint-Nazaire, a student in anthropology, then in geography and finally in oceanography, he charts a course for himself by force of will. Self-taught programmer, certified scientific diver, and occasional sailor, he develops all the skills that allow him to realize his dream, live from his passion, the ocean.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/mwlite/in/raphael-mabit
Email: raphael.mabit@gmail.com
Conference(s) :
- Wednesday, April 5th 11:45 am - Télédétection hyperspectrale en eau optiquement peu profonde, combinaison des capteurs optiques et acoustiques.
Valier Santerre - Simultaneous Interpreter
Valier Santerre was privileged enough to lead a full life both in the United States and in many Canadian provinces where he has been evolving as a masterful user of the arts of the spoken and written Canadian official languages. He is a candidate to certification with the Corporation of Translators and Interpreters of New Brunswick and has been president-director of In Other Words Inc. a language services enterprise since 2000. He has taught French to notable Canadian C E O’s and their families and has been selected to interpret the Honorable Joyce Murray, minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in 2023; her Excellencies the honorable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada in 2022 and Michaëlle Jean in 2007; the honorable Shawn Graham, premier of New Brunswick in 2007; the honorable Gail Shae, minister Fisheries and Oceans Canada in 2005 and with TVA -a canadian television network- a portion of speeches presented by American officials, notably President George W. Bush and Mayor Giuliani of New York City, in the course of the September 11 2011 events.
Monsieur Santerre is not only an excellent interpreter; indeed, he is also a multidisciplinary artist. Further to the publishing of three books since 2007, he has added to his file the presentation of concerts along with the participation in several expositions where he featured some of his paintings. For good measure, has worked with professionals such as musicians from the Montreal Symphony and singers from the Montreal Opera, as they performed his compositions.
And, he has produced his own radio show with CKUM-FM in Moncton (NB).
Thanks to an interpreter of such caliber, you shall be left in good hands as he will ensure you do not miss a beat throughout this, the CIDCO colloquium!
Valier Santerre-dit-Lancognard on YouTube: Youtube.com/@valiersanterre-dit-lancogn9200
Valier Santerre on email: valier2000@yahoo.com